Forever and a Day 40x50 - Ford Smith Fine Art

Forever and a Day 40x50

“Forever and a Day” is a masterful work from Ford that rivets the viewer with it’s iconic and infinite beauty.  This painting flowed from Ford’s heart and mind with the focus and fluidity of an artist obsessed. 

A heartwarming backstory of the original painting is about the couple who acquired it upon its debut.  Arriving early to their first Ford Smith show, this featured original transfixed them at once. 

Glowing with an aura of promises kept and bright futures, they fell in love with “Forever and a Day” on sight. 

But they knew it was destined to be theirs when they read the tag.  After seeing the title of the art, they pulled off their wedding bands and showed the gallery director the inscription on the inside.  You guessed it... “Forever and a Day”. Serendipity. 


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