Life Everlasting 44x66 - Ford Smith Fine Art

Life Everlasting 44x66

There are some paintings that engage the heart and mind at first glance--and the thousandth gaze. "Life Everlasting" by Ford Smith is one of those paintings. Measuring a magnificent 44"x66", the transformative nature of this masterpiece is powerful; exuding a positively-charged and intriguing aura in any environment.

Take a moment to absorb the color combinations Ford conjures here. From the scarlet and silver skies to the cerulean blues and yellows, the unexpected yet paradisiacal hues command your attention and guide your eyes through the painting with skilled precision.

Inside scoop: The feature trees in the foreground were left consciously bare because Ford felt the skies were too interesting to conceal. Generally, Ford creates his landscapes from the background to the foreground, and the layers of clouds, rows of trees and building skies in this work-of-art demonstrate this technique beautifully.

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