Cosmic Arbor 36x48 - Ford Smith Fine Art

Cosmic Arbor 36x48

Inspired by Mondrian’s color fields and combining his own, untethered perspective on trees and landscapes, Ford created this remarkable painting in 2005. Indulging an abstract impulse within the confines of his subject matter, “Cosmic Arbor” stimulates both left and right brain tendencies, rare in most artists, but a shared competence in the great ones.

Did you know that Ford Smith began his college career with a full ride scholarship as a math major? But this scholarly kid was also known for his creativity, with a passion and extraordinary talent for art, drawing, and painting since he was a child.

When he entered his sophomore year at Ole Miss, Ford took a course in calculus and decided theoretical math made no sense to him, so he went to the art department and, in his words “never looked back”. Ford graduated with his BFA in Painting in 1972, but his mathematical mind is always influencing his hand.

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