Zoom In On Ford Smith Paintings - Ford Smith Fine Art

Zoom In On Ford Smith Paintings

by Cristi Smith November 02, 2016

Zoom In On Ford Smith Paintings

Zoom in, friends!  We redesigned our website so you can zoom in and better appreciate the finest details of Ford's intricately beautiful paintings on whatever device you're using.  You can begin your optimized viewing with Wayward Birch here.  

With its brilliant explosion of opulent colors, Ford Smith's "Wayward Birch" (24"x48") is a vast, kaleidoscopic panorama.  As if conjured from your wildest dreams, flickered splashes sweep across the artful plane with brilliant and carefree complexity.

In this rare night scene from Ford's "Splash" series, you'll witness the silent moon lingering behind Ford's signature birch trees as they glow with other-worldly sapphire blues and frosty whites, exuding a heightened sense of peace and possibilities.  

It's fascinating to see how Ford created this abstract vision that draws the viewer in, then artfully deflects their gaze just moments later.  With these mingling, ethereal expressionist elements, "Wayward Birch" causes us to pause, peer closely ...and listen intently for those momentary glimpses of an alternate reality.  

Enjoy getting up close and personal with your Ford Smith experience...

Always working to your art experience extraordinary,

Cristi Smith


Cristi Smith
Cristi Smith


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