New original paintings make their debut - Ford Smith Fine Art

New original paintings make their debut

by Cristi Smith March 26, 2016

New original paintings make their debut

Mood Swing by Ford Smith

Ford dedicated February to an intense period of work in the studio and the paintings have now been photographed, archived are on exhibit in the Ford Smith Fine Art gallery in downtown Roswell.  He doesn't often work so many studio hours consecutively, given that his painting style is actually quite a physical process with horizontal and vertical angles, dripping paint and water to find imagery, holding a pose while creating detail... even for a younger artist, it's could pose a challenge.  

But Ford was creatively on fire in February preparing for the Point of YOU show and he wouldn't be stopped as he dreamed up one startlingly beautiful idea for a painting after another.  Rather than exhaust him, it exhilarated him, and the work itself reflects that elation.  

These new paintings are alive with the juxtapositions that define a Ford Smith painting: vibrancy and calm, radiance and soulfulness, awakening and soothing, wild and disciplined.  Each painting reverberates with an aura that stirs the soul and awakens artistic sensibilities as only a true master can deliver.  

There is only one original painting in the world and there is no greater satisfaction for an art collector than knowing it's yours to be viewed exactly as the artist conjured.  

We're here to make this happen for you.  Visit the Ford Smith Fine Art gallery in Roswell, GA or contact us right here.  Call or email with any questions and acquisition information. or call 678-908-1989.  

Featured here:  "Mood Swing" by Ford Smith  Original painting in acrylics  48"x36"


Cristi Smith
Cristi Smith


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